A collection of unsolicited advice. Some I learned the hard way. Some I found and agreed with.

still updating

on people

  • Some will expect you to be quiet to keep their peace.
  • People who obsess over you initially are in love with an idea, not you. They don’t know the real you.
  • Those that want to live, are made to suffer; and those that want to die, are forced to go on living.
  • The weak fear the truth and resent those who speak it.
  • What people became isn’t what they wanted but who they have to be.
  • Self-obsession is tolerable. Forcing it on others is repulsive. This applies to everything - looks, morals, relationships, choices.
  • People cannot give you what they don’t have.
  • Some relish others’ moral failings to entertain their own judgement, eagerly anticipating their downfall.
  • If problems only occur with certain people, it’s them. Not you.
  • They despise you for what you possess and mock you for what you lack. They look down on you when you’re poor and fear you when you’re rich.
  • People who seem to be the kindest are the most dangerous.
  • People often choose popular actions not because they believe it’s the right thing to do, but because it’s the option that makes them feel secure.
  • Sincerity and pretense, nobility and meanness, hatred and love can coexist. It is no imperfection, merely a reaction in a world full of greys.
  • The quickest way to know somebody is to lend them money.
  • No friend’s presence should bother you more than your solitude.
  • Disguised small talks is rarely genuine concern. They’re just probing to ensure you are not outpacing them.
  • Promptness is a sign of respect.
  • Perseverance does not equal worthiness.
  • Don’t let the disrespect of those you lowered your standards for get under your skin.
  • Sometimes people need to be understood more than to be loved.

on yourself

  • Your wounds might be the result of your kindness.
  • Self pity and excuses are lazy.
  • Your lowest points are yours alone. Others can’t see them, especially if they want something from you.
  • Decisions will upset you or others. Accept it. It won’t change.
  • Some paths are meant to walk alone because it’s personal.
  • Solitude feels uneasy when you overvalue others’ presence.
  • Self-esteem in love is only selfishness.
  • If you need peace, you need to let go.
  • Let jealousy teach you gratitude, anger for compassion, the uncontrollable for letting go, annoyance for patience.
  • No apology should be made for wrong being, such as anger or confusion. 3
  • Your loyalty is not to be questioned if your well being is already affected.
  • Your healing cannot depend on someone that doesn’t understand their wrongdoing. If staying means undervaluing yourself, you should move on.
  • Don’t burn yourself out trying to light the way for others.
  • Opinions of others are for understanding different perspectives; they don’t have to influence yours.

on things around you

  • Life can be challenging despite our best efforts. It’s not your fault for trying and sometimes falling short.
  • Sex is a physical act. Love is a collection of ideals. Marriage is a social contract.
  • It feels the most difficult only when you start.
  • If experience is overrated, you should snip your appendix on your own.
  • It’s better knowing that something might not succeed tomorrow than next year.
  • Thousands to bully one is called justice.
  • All worship masks underlying desires.
  • Suspicion is often the precursor to a guilty verdict.
  • Expectation is the precursor of disappointment.
  • Most people are transient. Move on without lingering.
  • Behind obstacles and fears often lie what you need.
  • The most successful relationships are based on lies.
  • The right words are often simple.
  • There are beautiful songs but some people just don’t like music.
  • All claims lacking falsifiable evidence are opinions, not facts. Normalizing opinions as facts is the fastest route to misinformation. This includes seemingly benign daily conversations.
  • May what you care about gives you more of what you need, not less.
  • Your circle should be proud of you, not jealous.
  • When someone is rude, hateful, or mean, imagine they’re suffering from an illness.
  • Find smart people who will disagree with you.
  • Anyone can be replaced. To replace a bad person, it would have already cost many good ones.
  • Fixation on vanity is unattractive.

what you should do

  • Be good, be excellent, be bold, but don’t waste your time proving it.
  • No matter how destructive your rage feels, you’re just one person out of many.
  • Learn how to do nothing and be bored.
  • Avoid sarcastic remarks, not because people aren’t funny enough to understand.
  • Choose your most frequent encounters wisely, such as your shoes, your bed, your best friends, and your job.
  • Emotional wounds hurt most when inflicted by those we trust. The only right course is to learn how to regain your sense of control.
  • No explanation is needed for people you don’t need in your life.
  • If you need to beat yourself up, do it once and move on.
  • Only hang out with people that energize you.
  • Master fake sincerity. Everything else falls into place.
  • Apologize immediately, genuinely, explicitly.
  • Be grateful to those who helped you to be the person you are today.
  • Sometimes you need to do things you don’t enjoy to get close to what you do.
  • Don’t romanticize memories. Remember the disrespect that came with them.
  • Manage your energy for the worthwhile.
  • Do the most important task first.
  • Win or lose, be a good one anyway.
  • Keep your true light hidden from acquaintances, even relatives and friends.
  • In a fight, hit first and hit hard.
  • Accept an outstretched hand and turn your back on a withdrawn one.
  • Sincerity and honesty are expensive. Reserve them for those who deserve them.
  • Don’t try to change people, change how you deal with them instead.
  • Learn to react less.
  • Don’t promise and agree when you’re having a good time.