I cannot decide it’s either life has a funny way to bring about retribution or all that we see that make us satisfied is actually just self-fulfilling.
Sometimes we feel like there’s some inherent balancing force in the universe - what goes around comes around, or karma. We notice when someone who wronged us faces difficulties later, or when our good deeds seem to be rewarded, and it can feel like the universe is administering justice.
However, we’re also pattern-seeking creatures who actively look for evidence that confirms our existing beliefs. When we expect retribution, we may selectively notice events that fit that narrative while overlooking contradictory examples. We might unconsciously shape our interpretations to create satisfying narratives out of random events.
If I am to believe in retribution, I will be hopeful and expect it too much to be disappointed. If I am to believe in the idea that what is projected and biased for my own satisfaction, I may go crazy. I don’t know if the constant battle of facing reality and accepting chaos does me any good.